Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Okay, so, I'm mad. I'm really mad but I don't know who I'm mad at.
Oh yes, I think I know why I feel this way.

I am crazy. Period!

So, I've been interested to read books about crazy people and symptoms and the likes (actually, I stumbled upon these books when finding books for my assignmnets, not that I really look for crazy books).

And I actually have most of the symptoms. So, there it goes. I AM CRAZY!

I have read 'His Bright Light; The Story Of My Son, Nick Traina' since I was like 12 and damn it is a good book.I don't know how many times I have finished reading the book. It is so addictive and trust me, I can still live if all the books in the world is burnt but not this book (and I love reading). It is about a boy living with ADHD, bipolar disease and mental illness but oh my god, I'm so in love with this book, I cannot explain it now (I'll write a special post about this book one day). What I'm trying to say is, I may be having his diseases. Okay, not that extreme because I still live in a society where if you don't go back home because you're damn busy, you are called 'lupa diri' and you are being talked behind like you're a criminal. Thanks for those who understand me and Mama, thanks so much for bein supportive. You're so cool I cannot believe you're almost 60 (that's a compliment mummy).

And if I don't have Mama who has given me everything, I think I'm a big time wreck and I'll be wandering off every night, and just don't friggin care about my family at all. Hey, it's an advantage living in Malaysia because 'budi bahasa budaya kita' right?

I just know that I'll be totally like Nick Traina if I'm left without nobody to think about (did I mention Nick Traina's a supercute, superhandsome human being and I'm totally in love with his attitude? Heee).

So, back to the first sentence of this post. I think I'm mad. I'm sad. I'm relieved all at once. Am I crazy?
I'll be looking out the window like a prisoner and have nobody to talk to. And then, I don't even get out from this room because I am suffering from fever, cough and eye sore. I love it because everytime I need something, I'll just call out my sister and she gave me everything but still, with my mental condition (I think), I'm fragile to be left all alone here.

Oh, sometimes, I can open the door of my room and see my sister bathing her baby. Oh, my god, she's so cute.And I'll be telling my sister that it feels like I'm looking at Facebook because I don't get to touch the baby.

p.s: And then all I just need is Kevin Federline to turn me into a complete maniac ;p

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