Monday, September 26, 2011

Of Nick Lachey, Jessica Simpson and Similar Stories

Know what I'm doin lately?

Every night, I must watch Nick and Vanessa's Dream Wedding. Nick Lachey is from the band 98 Degrees. He is Jessica Simpson's ex-husband. I'm not a fan of Jessica Simpson really but after I watched Nick and Vanessa's Dream Wedding, I feel bad for Jess.

It's been years since Nick and Jess divorced and though Jess said she's happy for both Nick and Vanessa, I know that deep down she's not. Some women like me and I believe Jess too, may show that they're strong but deep down, they are mending the scar that they know will always be there.

I know Nick has really moved on and I can really see that he's much happier with Vanessa but I cannot help but feel sorry for Jess and I cannot help but instilling hatred towards Nick.

I don't know what has happened between them but Nick shouldn't have given up. He should always try to hold on to Jess even if it's hard (you can see that Jess is a spoiled brat).

Watching sad stories makes me emotional. I know the effects towards me but I cannot help but to destroy myself emotionally. When I'm feeling blue, I'd voluntarily watched sad videos, listen to sad songs and just be pathetic.

When I hear my friends telling me sad stories, I would cry. Gosh, I have a really sad life!! I don't know. I just wish I am living a happy life, where everyone's happy. I don't want anyone to be sad. It makes me sad. Hope there's a full stop to sad stories.

ps: Anyway, today's Udin's birthday. Please do have a happy day buddy. Miss ya and I cannot wait to have a happy time with you and the others during convo :)

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