Monday, November 28, 2011

Kena Delete =)

I have to delete one of my recent posts. It was too emotional and I was not trying to show the world my pathetic life. I was overwhelmed by emotions. STAY STRONG BITCH!

That's my intention for posting this. Nothing special happened except that Malaysia lost to Bahrain. Fucking sad coz they almost won it. Urrghhh!!! Muslim should have been in the game!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

You Stalker!

Okay, please ignore my last post. I was emotional.

By the way, this post is dedicated to my stalking bitch. Oh my God, you are really a stalker. You know who you are. Haha.. I only posted it early this morning and you called me to talk about it. Such a stalker. You should be my partner in crime then la when I was stalking Tajul back to his house (Yup, I stalked him by car and I was still new to driving. I was risking my life)!

Thanks for cheering me up though it actually sucks. Yela, perlembagaan xleh diubah! Haha. I hate u bitch!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tajuk Rasa Cam Nak Carut Tapi Xleh Atas Sebab2 Tertentu

Okay, tangan aku gatal sgt nk tulis panjang2 sbb aku excited ni!.Ada berita gembira. Tambah lagi dgr lagu2 Panic! At The Disco tp aku xleh. Sbb apa?? SPP!!! Interview hari Selasa ni..Study ciput je. Aku dh la haram malas nk amik tau isu2 semasa. Bnda2 ni la yg diorg nk tanya.. Cuba tanya psl Britney, dh sure aku yakin xkn salah pun! Urrgggh!!

Okay, nape aku happy?

My babies, they got their results today! 3 org dpt 5A. Hans (dia mmg aku tabik. BI dia pun slang habis), Muqlis (the responsible brother to his 7 year-old brother) n Nizar (ketua pengawas yg ada side yg nk enjoy wpun dia pgg tggungjwb besar-which I adore!).

Aku rindu diorg! Aku sayang diorg! Diorg bt aku hepi (wpun aku hampir hilang pendengaran sbb diorg suke menjerit sbelah telinga aku je).

My babies! I wouldn't trade my memories with them for anything!

Aku nk tulis psl diorg tp xde masa pastu skrg lak masa sibuk fikir (fikir je,blum bt pape lg) dgn SPP yg mcm tuttt je ni!

Besides my family, I love my Pykett babies to death. They make me smile!

Waa....Sedihnya. I will never see them again! They'll grow and be matured. Innocence diorg pun akn hilang ke?

DH! Aku kena start betul study ni!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Things That Make Me Laugh/Smile

I am very hard to be pleased, but that doesn't mean I'm a stuck-up person. These are things that make me laugh/smile.

#A REALLY REALLY good joke!

#Some of my sis's jokes (where the rest are just so mean to make me mad)

#Sexy guys

#Anything that came out from Lemak and Hue Ming's mouth

#Britney Spears and her songs! Epic!

#My baby niece

#The thought of my baby boys from SK Pykett Methodist

#Stuck Like Glue, Yank and No I.D music videos
-these are the only videos that can have the smiling effect on me!
(These videos never failed to make me smile. Yank reminds me of how Zul sang that song with stupid gestures, Stuck Like Glue is so damn funny! The guy in the video playing the guitar is the perfect best friend. He would do anything for his friend even if it means he'll be in trouble, and No I.D is funny. Enough said).

Lately: #Brendon Urie

(He looks like a fun guy to hang around with. He looks like my perfect best friend. He is not afraid to look stupid when making stupid faces; his eyes is heaven and his voice makes me melt-listen to his interviews!His voice is deep. Gosh, I'll be dead if I talk to him).


The reason I write this post is because I'm bored. My sister said I have no life and that, I have to agree! I'm a loser!